OIM – ADF Özelleştirmesi

OIM – ADF Özelleştirmesi

by Arda Eralp29 Nisan 2013

OIM – ADF Özelleştirmesi

Oracle Identity Manager sayfaları ADF tabanlı olup istenilen özelleştirmeler yapılabilmektedir.

ADF üzerinde login olan OIM kullanıcısının attributelerini çeşitli komular yardımı ile görüntülenebilmektedir.

Örneğin : (http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E27559_01/dev.1112/e27150/uicust.htm#BABHBFGH)
Giriş yapan kullanıcının usr_key attribute değeri için
#{oimcontext.currentUser.usr_key} veya #{oimcontext.currentUser[‘usr_key’]}

Kullanıcının rolleri için

Admin rolleri için

User Login i için
#{oimcontext.currentUser[‘User Login’]}

Aşağıdaki doküman içerisindeki adımlarda OIM de ‘Manager’ rolüne sahip kullanıcılar Administration menusunu görebilecek diğer kullanıcılar göremeyecektir.

Bunun için aşağıdaki doküman adımları takip etmeniz yeterli olacaktır.

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About The Author
Arda Eralp
Arda Eralp
T-shaped professional gathering superior technical knowledge, sales-oriented mindset, and extensive business expertise in the Information Technology industry. Over 10 years of experience in multinational technology companies, my journey spans various functions from software development to sales consultancy. Passionate about cutting-edge technologies and their transformational impacts on business and daily life.
3 Yorumlar
  • 09 Haziran 2013 at 03:44

    Hi, Arda.I have seen so many people thank you for just asikng you for something else. I want to thank you and nothing else. A BIG THANK YOU.

  • 11 Haziran 2013 at 12:17

    Not exactly what i need. In my expmlae, there are 3 clusters and one summary for each cluster shows the attribute values (means, modes). This is the result of the Cluster Analysis.If I use any of the DT techniques after connectng the Type node to my Cluster Analysis node, I get many many rules for each of the 3 clusters. What I want is a single rule for each of the 3 clusters (or a total of 3 Rules) that were created in my original Cluster Analysis.Thanks Was this answer helpful?

  • 11 Haziran 2013 at 17:32

    HiI order to view the cluster rules, cocennt the generated model of cluster to the data.The generated model of cluster contains the field cluster with the values belonging to cluster1, cluster2, .Attach the type node and set the cluster field as Out and use any one of the decision tree algorithms to see the rules of the cluster. I think this may help UThanks Was this answer helpful?

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