Oracle IDM (OIM)
OIM – Tunning JVM Options

OIM – Tunning JVM Options

by Arda Eralp28 Mart 2013

Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) için jvm ayarlarını düzenlemek (Tunning JVM Options) için en güvenilir yol, admin server üzerinden yapılan değişikliktir.

Aşağıdaki doküman içerisinde gerekli adımlar gösterilmiştir.

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About The Author
Arda Eralp
Arda Eralp
T-shaped professional gathering superior technical knowledge, sales-oriented mindset, and extensive business expertise in the Information Technology industry. Over 10 years of experience in multinational technology companies, my journey spans various functions from software development to sales consultancy. Passionate about cutting-edge technologies and their transformational impacts on business and daily life.
3 Yorumlar
  • 09 Haziran 2013 at 01:04

    Thanks for being on point and on tgreat!

  • 11 Haziran 2013 at 14:15

    , i guess the fault here lies more with Eclipse than Java. Their download page shluod clearly state that if you are on a 64bit system, then the installation will default to 64bit and therefor require 64bit JVM. Instead it implies that it will run in either environment.But its all good, I am up and running 🙂

  • 11 Haziran 2013 at 18:15

    If Eclipse is 32-bit then you need 32-bit JVM. If Eclipse is 64-bit then you need 64-bit JVM. It is possible to insltal both 32- and 64-bit version of Eclipse on 64-bit Windows so you need to make sure you have the JVM at the same bit-level.

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