What’s New in Oracle Identity Manager 11gR2 PS2?
Oracle Identity Manager is a highly flexible and scalable enterprise identity administration system that provides operational and business efficiency by providing centralized administration & complete automation of identity and user provisioning events across enterprise as well as extranet applications. Part of the Oracle Identity Governance Suite, it provides role lifecycle management and privileged account management, ensuring consistent enforcement of identity based controls thereby reducing ongoing operational and compliance costs. This blog post highlights key new features introduced in Oracle Identity Manager 11gR2 PS2.
OIM provides a business user friendly catalog to request account entitlements. However it required the business user to know any entitlement related dependencies. For example, the user needed to know that they needed an e-Business account before they can request for an entitlement that grants them privileges to raise a purchase order in e-Business. OIM can now automatically request the account for a user when a related entitlement is requested, thereby reducing the burden of the business users to know the account-entitlement relationship.
Business users, requesters, approvers or access certifiers, often require detailed information on what a particular entitlement maps to in the target system. For example, granting an e-Business role or responsibility would grant a user a set of menu/button privileges. OIM now supports such critical hierarchical entitlement metadata to be imported and made available during request, approval and certification processes.
OIM introduces a new operational console in Oracle Enterprise Manager that enables administrators a complete view of all the defined OIM operations, out-of-the-box and customer defined event handlers, child processes, workflow processes their state and error information without requiring to mine different server logs. This tool does not replace the larger IDM management pack in Enterprise Manager that provides a suite wide monitoring capability but serves as a useful diagnostic tool specifically for OIM.
Source: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/id-mgmt/overview/oim-11gr2-whats-new-1709505.pdf
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